Your FREE Competitor Report is on it's Way
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What's in the report?
Domain Rating
Domain Rating (DR) shows the strength of a target website’s backlink profile.
How many links point to your target in total
Referring domains
How many unique referring domains link to your target in total
Organic keywords
The total number of keywords that the target website, ranks for in the top 100 organic search results
Organic traffic
Total monthly search traffic to the target website from the top 100 organic search results.
Traffic value
The equivalent value of the organic search traffic, should that traffic have been acquired via PPC.
Why should I read it?
How strong is the competition?
Metrics like 'Domain Rating', "Backlinks" and "Referring Domains" gives you an idea of the size and quality of your competitor. Our advanced 'link intersect'reports can further uncover websites that link to your competitor, but don't link to you.
How many visitors does my competitor receive each month?
This information is pure GOLD! Find out exactly how many organic website visitors your competitors receives each month. Our advance reports also show their visitor trends over the last few years.
What are the keywords my competitor ranks for?
Find out how many keywords your competitor ranks for in the top 100 organic search results pages. We offer even more granular reports to our clients. They'll know the competitors exact keywords, position, volume of searches, monthkly traffic and more.
What is the value of my competitor's website traffic?
Not all keywords are created equal. Some 'money' keywords are extremely valuable. Other 'fluff' keywords, not as much. We estimate the equivalent value of the organic search traffic, should that traffic have been acquired via PPC. This will give you a pretty good idea of the value of your competitor's organic traffic (and yours as well)
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